Sugar Apple Fairytale 10

Another volume to the series of Mikawa Miri. This time the cover design has changed a little and the story apparently moves on to a new story arc… Gosh, this series makes me so interested… *^* The volume was out 1st of October and the volume’s title is 銀砂糖師と水の王様 [silver dust sugar master and the king of water].

EDIT: There appears to have been some kind of special service thingy with the magazine on two occasions (around the release of volumes 5 and 9), which included drama CD of Sugar Apple (???). Voice actors are: Shall (the black haired man) – Sakurai Takahiro, Ann (protagonist) – Ookubo Rumi, Keys (??) – Ishida Akira, Elliot (??) – Toriumi Kousuke

About Cage of Maze

Bring me all the epic music~ ♥
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11 Responses to Sugar Apple Fairytale 10

  1. michiikargh says:

    wow.. 10th novel already?! feels as though it was just yesterday that the 9th was released :’D mann look at the seiyuu cast Sakurai Takahiro, Ishida Akira and Toriumi Kousuke!! ^q^ I’d love to listen ahaha but I won’t know what happened from volume 1-10 lol :'(

    • Cage of Maze says:

      Yeah. :( Such a shame… If we had time, we should start the tedious work of summarizing the volumes… I mean, if we had time and MONEY. :|

      • michiika says:

        ;A; not sure if I want to buy the volumes though!! I wouldn’t have the time to summarize an entire novel too (if I can’t even summarize one chapter LOL).. what more, 10 volumes /pukes blood/ LOL

      • Cage of Maze says:

        Oh… I would want to buy them… Because I am sure there will be a future in which I can read them with no major problems… *shiny dreams*

  2. Tomomi says:

    Oh my gosh. The cover is really pretty. Is it the King of Water on the left side? By the way, the seiyuu casts for the drama CD are really awesome. Hohohoho (^o^)

    • Cage of Maze says:

      …nope, that is not the king. It is Shall, the black fairy, who appears to be the male protagonist…and who is in every cover with Ann… :)


      • Tomomi says:

        Ooo I see. He is called Shall then. By the way, how was the drama CD? Could tell me about that?

      • Cage of Maze says:

        Oh, I am sorry to say, but I have no idea. :( I am not, due to financial/locational issues, buying the magazine or anything… So no, I can’t tell you anything more about those…

  3. Lehst says:

    oh em gee, his name is Shall?! *heart-throb* He looks very nice on this cover too.
    This is really the 10th volume? I don’t even remember half the other ones anymore. How did it get so far along? o_o
    There seems to be a trend in the titles; what is a “silver dust sugar master” anyways?? xD

    • Cage of Maze says:

      Haha, I knowwww… *v* I am his fan too, without even reading the novels…
      …and I guess it got this by sheer willpower. Ö___Ö

      I don’t really know what it is, except that the girl Ann apparently is one. Some kind of a title or an occupation…?

      • Lehst says:

        Now I want to become a baker and title myself as a ‘sugar master’ and work at the silver dust bakery. Or become a witch that casts spells like ‘silver cake explosion’ or ‘pink sugar heart attack!!’ bonus points to those that know that last one, lol.

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